The name of the corporation is the “Zainabia-SA Islamic Education Center”, hereafter known as the
“Zainabia-SA”. The Zainabia-SA is a Non-Profit Tax-Exempt religious organization under the Texas Non-Profit
Corporation Act since March of 2004. The Zainabia-SA does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit for its
The source of guidance for the Zainabia-SA is and shall remain the religion of Islam, as described in the Holy Quran
and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him and his Family), as explained by the 12
infallible Imams of the Family of the Holy Prophet (Ahlul Bayt) and as interpreted by the accepted Maraja-e-Taqleed of
the Ja\’fari Ithna\’ashari school of thought, hereinafter referred to as “The Faith”.
The Zainabia-SA shall not at any time, at any place, or in any manner, facilitate, provide, perform, indulge in,
promote, support or encourage any activity, service or function which is in conflict or inconsistent with “The Faith”.
The Zainabia-SA is an inclusive organization, and shall endeavor to invite and encourage the participation of people
from different religious backgrounds who are willing to respect “The Faith”.
Activities of the Zainabia-SA are and shall be performed in an atmosphere of respect and tolerance towards the
religious sensitivities of all participants, with special attention to those of fellow Muslims. The Zainabia-SA shall
encourage, promote and propagate “The Faith” and provide facilities for the Members and their families to observe the
same. The Zainabia-SA shall perform functions such as, but not limited to, the following: Facilitate religious education.
Disseminate religious knowledge through various means such as: Newsletters, Quranic Studies, Seminars, Discourses and
rulings by the accepted Maraja-e-Taqleed. Facilitate the observation of religious activities such as: Daily
Congregational (Jamaïat) Prayers, Eid Prayers, Eid Reunions, Celebrations, Commemorations and Recommended Prayers.
Provide religious services such as: Recitation of the Holy Quran, Marriages and Funerals. The Zainabia-SA shall work
to strengthen fraternal relations among Muslims, work for universal brotherhood, social justice and peace and cooperate
with other organizations having similar aims and objectives. The Zainabia-SA shall endeavor to perform functions such
as, but not limited to, the following: Perform charitable and benevolent community services. Provide Islamic information
to individuals, groups or other organizations. Provide an appropriate venue for family activities. The Members of the
Zainabia-SA shall be limited to individuals who believe in and endeavor to practice “The Faith”.